Baby Bella Mushrooms with Lemon Sauce

Baby Bella Mushrooms with Lemon Sauce
Chef's notes

This is another wonderful side dish that adds substance and character to any meat, poultry or seafood dish. They can also be served as an appetizer on crostini or as a topping on one of a trio of Bruschetta appetizer (I like serving 3 Bruschetta on a plate each with different toppings).

Although expensive, you can also scale the recipe down and make it with a small number of exotic mushrooms like my favorite, oyster, to accent delicate gourmet courses.

I enjoy the bold earthy taste of Baby Bella mushrooms. For a milder version, you can use common white mushrooms.

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Baby Bella Mushrooms with Lemon Sauce


  • 2-pounds Baby Bella mushrooms
  • 4 tablespoons, ½ stick unsalted butter
  • Juice from 1 lemon, about 3 tablespoons
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 1 egg yolk
  • ¼ cup coarsely chopped flat leafed Italian parsley


  1. Wipe mushrooms (never wash) and trim their rough ends.

  2. Slice and place them in a pot with 2 tablespoons of the butter.  Sauté over medium-high heat until they soften and their juices are extracted.  Simmer while stirring until the liquid evaporates and the mushrooms begins to crust slightly.  Add up to an additional tablespoon of butter if needed to coat mushrooms keeping them moist.  Remove from heat.  Add salt and pepper to taste. 

  3. In a separate pot, melt 2 tablespoons of butter over low heat.  Whisk in lemon juice, flour and egg yolk for a few minutes until thickened.  Pour and stir into mushrooms.

  4. Reheat mixture while stirring being careful not to reach a boil.  Fold in the chopped parsley and serve. 
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