Broccoli Rabe, Roasted Garlic, and Turkey Sausage Pan Pizza

Broccoli Rabe, Roasted Garlic, and Turkey Sausage Pan Pizza
Chef's notes

Broccoli rabe, pork sausage pot roasted garlic and infused olive oil combined makes great stuffing for rolled meats, poultry and great pizza and flatbread toppings. This pan pizza substitutes turkey sausage for pork. Turkey sausage has less fat than pork and needs some help to retain moisture while safely cooking through.

Pinches of raw turkey sausage meat are added to prepared topping of rabe, pot roasted garlic, herbs, spices and cheeses spread on dough. For added moisture, top is liberally coated with extra seasoned garlic infused olive oil. Top is finished with additional cheese to help seal and protect top of sausage from burning. 

Pizza is cooked in 530° direct heat until Top and bottom of pizza are crisp and turkey sausage is safely cooked through.

Although unlikely, if any leftovers, reheat in an air fryer or oven. Pan pizza will revive its original flavors and texture.

Recipe will make one pan pizza in an approximate 12” x 17” sided cookie sheet. I recommend using surgical gloves when handling raw meat. 

Please read "Dough Basics" above first. 


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Broccoli Rabe, Roasted Garlic, and Turkey Sausage Pan Pizza


  • Pete's Garlic Oil
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 5 garlic cloves with skin
  • 1/2 teaspoon dry rosemary or a fresh sprig
  • 1/2 teaspoon sage or 4 fresh leaves.
  • 1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
  • Pinch red pepper flakes

Remaining Ingredients 

  • 1 bunch broccoli rabe
  • 1 13.5 oz. can chicken broth
  • 1-pound pizza dough
  • 2 1/2 cups shredded Italian cheese mix separated; 1 ½ and 1 cup. 
  • 1/2-pound turkey sausage without casing
  • 1-pound pizza dough


  1. Core garlic cloves and half each lengthwise. Place in a narrow butter melting pot with rosemary, sage, salt, and red pepper flakes; cover with olive oil. Place over medium heat until oil barely starts to simmer. Lower heat and retain a very slow simmer. In about 2 hours, garlic will soften and tan. Cloves will have the sweetness and consistency of tender oven roasted garlic after about 2 hours. Remove released skins and keep warm.
  2. Rabe, remove about an inch off their stems and any wilted leaves. Cut rabe into 1 1/2-inch lengths.

  3. Place rabe and chicken broth in a pot. Boil broth until rabe is tender. Remove rabe and continue boiling until broth is mostly evaporated.

  4. Mash pot roasted garlic with some infused olive oil; add to pot along with rabe. Fold until garlic is somewhat evenly distributed.

  5. Preheat oven to 530° direct heat.

  6. Lightly brush pan with olive oil or cooking spray. Remove dough from refrigerator. Form to fit into bottom and sides of tray. 

  7. Mix enough seasoned olive oil to rabe mixture to help evenly spread over dough. Cover with 1 ½ cups of shredded Italian cheeses. Distributed pinches of turkey sausage over cheese. Stir infused olive oil and liberally drizzle over entire surface (not necessarily all). Cover with remaining cheese.
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