Tilapia Seasoned, Sautéed and Served on a Bed of Brocoli Rabe

Tilapia Seasoned, Sautéed and Served on a Bed of Brocoli Rabe
Chef's notes

Mild tasting Tilapia is popular and economical. Preparations are versatile. Most are easy and quick. Sautéing fillets with coatings as simple as olive oil and fragrant herbs are my favorite. Tuscan style season blends are favorites. My homemade and sundried has sage, rosemary, garlic and Kosher salt. I also like HERBES de PROVENCE, Greek Seasonings, prepacked seafood and general blends.

Brocoli rabe is washed, trimmed, and par boiled in chicken broth. It is set aside while broth is mostly evaporated. Soon after fillets are coated, their flavor pot is ready to be created.

Garlic cloves are lightly tanned and softened over moderate heat in generous amounts of oil. Cloves are reserved. A side of each fillet is sautéed until lightly brown, about 4 minutes. When flipped, rabe and reserved garlic are added alongside in pan and tossed frequently. Tilapia is ready when flaky and just cooked through, about 3 minutes or so. Try not to overcook. Test for seasoning especially if herbs are salt free. Recipe serves two, perfect portions for Nancy and me.

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Tilapia Seasoned, Sautéed and Served on a Bed of Brocoli Rabe


  • 2 tilapia Fillets, about a pound
  • 1 bunch Broccoli Rabe (Rapini)
  • 1 14.5 inch can chicken broth
  • 5 large garlic cloves
  • Tuscany or other favorite seasoning
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper as needed


  1. Rinse and pat tilapia dry. Coat sides with olive oil and liberally sprinkle with seasoning. 

  2. Rinse rabe. Cut and discard an inch off their rough stalks. Remove any wilted outer leaves and cut stalks into 1 to 1 ½ inch lengths. Place in a pot with the chicken stock. Bring to a boil. When rabe softens to a gentile bite, remove rabe with a with slotted spoon. Continue boiling remaining broth until is almost evaporated. Remove from heat. When at room temperature place rabe back in pot.

  3. Remove garlic tips and skin. Cut cloves in half lengthwise. Slowly sauté cloves in a large pan with a generous amount of olive oil. When soft and lightly tanned, put cloves with rabe.

  4. Increase pan to medium-high. Cook tilapia covered until their bottoms are moderately browned, about 4 minutes. Flip fish and surround it in the pot with rabe. Toss rabe with garlic cloves.

  5. Fish is ready when flaky, just cooked through about 3 minutes. Adjust seasoning. 

  6. Mound rabe in the center of both plates. Place a fillet on each bistro style. Drizzle with liquid from flavor pan. Optional, serve with a lemon wedge. Enjoy. 
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